
Ljubljana Railway Station, 斯洛維尼亞共和國


At the exit from the railway station please go right and after approximately 50 meters (at the first traffic light) turn left on the street Miklošiceva. Continue straight and turn right at the second intersection. After about 20 meters you will find the Avant car office on the right side.

Supplier details


Trdinova ulica 9, Ljubljana, 1000

Opening Hours
週日08:00 - 14:00
週一08:00 - 18:00
週二08:00 - 18:00
週三08:00 - 18:00
週四08:00 - 18:00
週五08:00 - 18:00
週六08:00 - 14:00


可接受: 美國運通, Diners Club, Eurocard, MasterCard(非轉帳卡或預付卡), Visa(非轉帳卡或預付卡) 租車期間會從您的信用卡暫時保留最低 EUR 800.0 至最高 EUR 1200.0 作為訂金。在租車受損/遭竊的情況下,您的訂金會作為擔保之用。在確認租車期間沒有任何失竊或損壞情況之後,將自動退還訂金。請注意,這並不代表保險範圍部分中所示您的自負額責任總額。 不接受:恕不接受其他付款方式。 必須在租車櫃台出示主駕駛人名義的有效信用卡以預先授權/收取訂金。信用卡必須為浮凸,且或需提供 PIN 碼。 若未能出示有效的信用卡、信用卡可用餘額不足,或是信用卡並非主駕駛人名下,租車代理商可能會拒絕提供車輛。在上述情況下,已支付的款項將不予退還。

Useful Information



年輕駕駛人年齡: 18至21年收費每日10 EUR 最多60 EUR 含22%稅



Vehicles may be driven within EU (except Sweden, Finland, UK and Greece), Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Vatican, San Marino, Monaco, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Macedonia.

Vehicles cannot be driven to the following countries: Sweden, Finland, UK, Greece, former Soviet Union, Kosovo, Albania and other Non-EU countries (Norway, Turkey,…)

Cross Border is available for 10.00 EUR per day, maximum 60.00 EUR per rental

Island and ferry fee is available for EUR 10.00 per day, maximum EUR 60.00 per rental